Thursday, December 09, 2004


I have a son that turns three next month. A couple nights ago he got very excited when it was bedtime. We read him his story, and he climbed off the bed and started running around like he was a crazy man. We told him to head to his room, and he took off like a shot. His room has a small entryway where you step in, there's a wall, you turn left and there's the rest of his room. We have a small trashcan by the wall right there. Well, he's running full tilt, not really watching where he's going, and he runs right into the trashcan and smacks his forehead against the wall. I rushed in to console him, expecting a big bunch of tears. He staggers, turns around looking stunned, sees the look on my face, and clear as a bell says, "I'm okay, Daddy." He then gives me a big hug. Wow. He was concerned for me, and wanted me to not worry.

I have a great kid. (He was indeed ok, by the way. Not a mark on him.)


Aaron F Stanton said...

Thanks, Sathyaish! He is indeed a great kid. I took him to get a haircut last night, and it started out as a traumatic experience, but he calmed down over time. A good looking guy, if I say so myself.

Anonymous said...

Kids are amazing like that, one moment indestructable, and then once again vulnerable and innocent. It's always humbling to have a small child re-teach us the things we forgot growing old.